Monday, June 21, 2010


taday after school,
i follow my lao po,mami,gor gor,leon,kei kei,dai shou
went san qiu....

actually i don't want to go one,
but i don't want to go back so early...
so i follow lo....

at there
mia,leon one pair
gor gor,dai shou one pair,
and me,mami,n kei kei single....

suddenly i think about HIM....
and i fell sad....
i want to cry again.....
than i ask agian thay all
should i give up???

but thay all did asnwer me....

i really miss HIM....
two week one day already....
HE did chat with me....
HE did choi me....

when i saw thay all couple....
i did mind....
but when i saw thay all do the "sweet sweet" action,
i will jealous.....

I MISS U....

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