Wednesday, June 23, 2010

all about u....

today after school,
me,mia,elli,llh,jun ming,liew boon n HE
got stay to play basketball...
actually i dont want to play one,
but mia n elli like very angry
because i say i don't want to play....

i don't want to play because of HE...

than they all did force me to play...
a few minute ago,
llh ask me to play,
than i play lo....
but i same team with llh,
not HIM....
elli ask me want to change team with her,
i say no need thank...
because HE is the team one....

when we play,
i just standing at there only,
than llh ask me to shoot the ball....
but i did dengar....

not long,
elli ask me to change team with her again....
but i don't want,
but she want,
than she still say loudly that,
i change team with siew ly....
than every body heard...
than we like that change team ad....

mia,liew bonn,me n HE one team...
i tak selesa....
i don't want to caught the ball so...
than mia ask me to shoot,
but i qing cai shoot...
after that HE keep on ask me shoot,
but i don't know why,
when HE ask me to shoot,
i will shoot nicely....
than i in....

i was very happy...
because i can play ball with him...
after we finish playing,
they walk very fast...
than me,mia n elli go to canteen....

when we reach the canteen ,
i saw HIM n other boy at the football court...
after that mia put her back on canteen than go n find them....
than i also follow....

thay all use the basketball to play football....
than i ask mia to record they play n than upload on facebook...
we give each of then name also....

liew boon: lap sap 1
llh: lap sap 2
jum ming: ronaldol (i dont know hoe to spell)

HE was very cute when HE was playing...
i was very happy saw HE play....

after that,
we all go yam cha...
a gor , ken , dai shou , kikapo , liew boon , n HIM
they all reach there first...
than me,mia n her husband go there together....

actually i don't knoe HE got go,
so i only follow...
but when we reach there,
i saw him...

when i saw him,
i want to go back,
but mia say she sent me go home,
than i say no need...

than a gor help mia to block me don't want to let me go home...
but i think HE know i don't want to yam cha because of HIM
so HE n liew boon go home first...
but he did finish HIS water...
than HE take away...

i was sad,
because HE go home...
i dont want HE go...
but what can i do???

i say give up already...
but i did really give up...

when mia sent me go home,
mis talk to me that HE say me very xiu hei...
my heart was very pain when i heard that...
but mia did tell me all,
i reach home already...
but i ask mia to talk to me at msn...
but just know she under busy...
so i will ask her later....

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