Monday, April 26, 2010

i'm sorry

i want to say sorry to my friend..
sorry wei yong
sorry liew boon
sorry jun ming
sorry for "he"
i also dont know y i want to say sorry...
but i rasa i sudah ....
i also dont know how to say.
last week
i fen with him
after that
when "he"saw me
he will go away
like we alway go to yam cha after school
but this few day
he did go
n i dengar wei yong say
that day he ask him want go yam cha
"he"ask wei yong that i got go or not
when "he"know i got go
"he"say "he"dont want go
after that i very angry
i angry
angry y "he"want like that
i also angry him
but i did tha stupid like that
after school wei yong thay all got stay back to play basketball
than mia ask me to stay back
but i saw him got stay back
mula-mula i dont want
but elli say she want to play
so i teman her
after that they want to lawan
4 lawan 4
but i satu kumpulan with him
when i know it
i change kumpulan with elli
than i same kumpulan with wei yong,liew boon,n amelia
tak lama kemudian
"he"say he want to go home
i think "he"dont want to see me
or what i also dont know
but i don't care
who care
"he"angry me,hate me or what else
i also angry him
but i did do all the stupid thing
"he"is girl or boy
so xiao qi one
like bondan
people all don't like him one
i will fen with him because he so
bian tai
don't like to dengar what people talking about
and one more thing is
"he"ownself got money
"he"don't want to use
"he"like to use people money
when i couple with him
i did fell that he really love me
i fell that "he" just playing me
n "he"one me to kiss him
i think
after i kiss him
"he"will buang saya ka tepi
one more thing
before we start the game
when i chage kumpulan with elli
my kai gor still don't know i sudah fen with him
a gor still say with wei yong
y i did same kumpulan with my lao gong
that mean "he"
after i say with my lao po "amelia"
i ask him to say with a gor
after my kao gor say o
after playing basketball
we need to go home
but amelia say want to yan cha
n lie boon don't want follow
he say he want to go home to wash baju
than amelia, wei yong n i go
when we walk to xan qiu
the "pk" follow we all
i ask the "pk"to go away
but he did listen
so i sambil jalan sambil marah
all people think i just come out from the jungle
so like the jungle peopel jerit
but he still follow us
when we reach there
he sit beside us
i very angry already
i want to kill him
but i can't
because i takut to pukul orang
so i just can talk
but can't do
so today my mood is very angry,sadly,n "fan"
no people can help me to settle the problem

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