Wednesday, January 4, 2012


now stay work...
using company computer,internet to online...
i was to boring la...if i didn't do like that...i sure will ki xiao...
seriously i dun like to work la...i was lazy.. work no money to do...=(
is ok...

now is lunch time...i didn't go eat with other ppl....cuz...wa boh lui...=S
whole day face to gan xi will tambah d lo...X(
hate it...
office work...who to do...???

sien...need to continue my work lo...if nt....GG lo...

u sure felt wired y today i update my blog in english but nt chinese rite...??
bcuz...this company computer dun know apasal lurh....can't type chinese...
so...terpaksa lor.....x>

i miss my friend those who going to NS....
lik ho....mia...i miss ue....
god bless u at there.....

p/s : i know my BI fail....XP

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